Politics: Bug Tracking
I am implementing a new forum here based on a recommendation from the_alf. I am tracking bugs of politicians so myself and others can keep up with all the issues that come up and seem to collapse out of the public mind like Flan in a cupboard.
Issue I:
Middle eastern state of affairs. Let's log this one at abotu 1947, the creation of Israel following WWII. The theme has been similar since the mid-50s, peace in the Middle East.
I won't get into the waff-waff and huff-huff of the thing, but I'll say it's been a bugged target of peace for 40+ years.
This of course is still in the public eye, but I'd warrant that the fact there is conflict in this area of the world has become "that's how things are" and brushed off. I'm logging this one now because conflict like that doesn't keep on if the people working on it are trying to handle it. With a quick search and I find one resource here.
Bugs are made, they don't just happen.
Issue I:
Middle eastern state of affairs. Let's log this one at abotu 1947, the creation of Israel following WWII. The theme has been similar since the mid-50s, peace in the Middle East.
I won't get into the waff-waff and huff-huff of the thing, but I'll say it's been a bugged target of peace for 40+ years.
This of course is still in the public eye, but I'd warrant that the fact there is conflict in this area of the world has become "that's how things are" and brushed off. I'm logging this one now because conflict like that doesn't keep on if the people working on it are trying to handle it. With a quick search and I find one resource here.
Bugs are made, they don't just happen.
At 8/24/2006 09:34:00 PM,
Kombucha said…
"With the purchase of two more German-made Dolphin submarines capable of carrying nuclear warheads, military experts say Israel is sending a clear message to Iran that it can strike back if attacked by nuclear weapons."
More to this subject, wouldn't you say?
If I were staring down two 1.3 billionn dollar nuclear warhead capable submarines, I tend to thin I'd want to know who was behind them and what the were going to before everyone gets toasted. I'd suggest this tone scale chapter, gives you the resources to predict people..
At 8/30/2006 03:33:00 AM,
Kombucha said…
This crap is still nuts.
Alright, still bugged.
This is actually really out-pointy (a point that is out, going away from what one might consider an ideal scene):
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Bombing attacks across Iraq targeting a market, an army recruiting center and a police patrol killed at least 39 people and wounded dozens Wednesday, police said.
Alright, you have a police patrol, an army recruiting center and a market. I'm sorry if this seems so appalling to think anyone could be this nuts but with some kind of sequitor reason. Why the market? If he is is an utterly criminal nutball, of course the market too, he's just to destroy people. If he's trying to subvert the government or or remove americans or whatever - then I'm afraid he hit the recruit office and maybe the police patrol on purpose, the only reason the market was in the vicinity is because the recruitment office wanted body traffic.
Can we find the right reasons and
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