World Bugs: Issue Tracking

Bugs are made.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Homes have more TVs than people

Unfortunately I'll come from experience on this one.

While not ever owning more TVs than people at any given time I watched an examplory amount of TV for advertisers and network executives.

More TVs is not necissarily a bad sign, the statistic alone means very little. Given the datum that they watch it bit and piece but are moving around all the time is a good one, might mean they have interest but are in the midst of doing something. But it could mean:

  • They never one want to miss a single minute.

  • They don't want to watch the same things as others.

  • Different TVs for different uses.

  • They just don't get rid of their old sets.

But why they have more hardly matters. Their behavior with them can get a bit rough. A few points with TV:

  • Do you watch for lack of something else to do?

  • Are you scanning through the channels hoping something good is on?

I could drone on with that one but it's just drawing it back to purpose. I watch TV now usually for the speed in which I can get in depth news covereage very quickly. While usability and validity are not a guarentee that goes with the territory. Otherwise I watch it for advertising, I enjoy advertising and marketing, so ads are often more enjoyable for me than most of the rest of it.

But what in that is different then "lack of something else to do" for example? TV is something to DO, not something to have done to you.

If you see someone aimlessly at the TV, that's a bug worth proding until debugged. That way of acting may well go all the way to workplace and study, then what?


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