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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Tanks roll in Bangkok

I'm unfortunately not a wiz on Thai history, but 17 coups since WW II? That's nuts. Can we get real here and get whoever is trying to subvert the entire nation out of there because that's a recurring pattern.

17 coups over 60 years is a joke. In America? 1000's of protests, 1 resignation, several criminal allegations, choking on a pretzel and 9/11. It appears uneventful in America whether or not it is true. But 17 coups? That's one every 3.5 years on average. What's the screaming outness? SOMEONE THERE WANTS THIS TO HAPPEN.

It's noted this one but it's simple, find the person or perons activily inciting subversion, we don't need that crap.


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