With such an enticing package name such as "SeaMonkey," the unfortunate truth accompanying such a beauty if in fact that it uncomfortably settles itselfs into the category of notworking on my machine.
"Why is this?" one might ask. One would soon see it is likely a lack of professionalism, that is taken from the viewpoint of a consumer expecting the goods.
From the viewpoint of myself, an FC5 user, it's really more a of a slight frustration and the response, "what did I do wrong?"
I'm yumming this one now and hoping for the best, I'll let you know.
"Why is this?" one might ask. One would soon see it is likely a lack of professionalism, that is taken from the viewpoint of a consumer expecting the goods.
From the viewpoint of myself, an FC5 user, it's really more a of a slight frustration and the response, "what did I do wrong?"
I'm yumming this one now and hoping for the best, I'll let you know.
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