World Bugs: Issue Tracking

Bugs are made.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

They're out there with the backhoe again

The age old problem of hosting your website in some far off forgotten land, and then someone decides they're going to put a backhoe through the fiberoptics of your webhosting company. It's a real pain.

While earthquakes and backhoes are different, sames same in this scenario of the trunks running between Taiwan, Singapore and Korea breaking in the quake's wake.

Used as a social justification for doing it the wrong way, the trunks have been put on top of the ocean floor and not dug deeply in due to the lessened use of phones and increased use of internet services like Skype. This, they say, is decreasing the amount of spending on actual infrastructure. Sounds like a like of mallarky.

But you should find out for yourself, review the balance sheets of telecom companies in Taiwan etc. and see if they're full of it, or if they're presenting a accurate scene.

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