World Bugs: Issue Tracking

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Monday, January 15, 2007

YouTube the talk

I'm afraid it's not a new conundrum, but we'll milk this one for the next 100 years like we did the last one.

Moral of the story thus far is that the idea of exchanging goods with others with goods is going by the wayside in pockets of society. It is NOT everyone, some people do NOT think that it is alright. But opinions and the self interests of many have drawn a gray line for some on wrong or right for this field.

Anything wrong with a mixed CD from someone? They used to do it with tapes didn't they? Yes, they did. And there was rucous then, less due to it happening less and sounding like crap. What about various artist collections that come free from radio stations? Happens all the time, but it's an ADVERTISEMENT of the band and give the full data on the band, album and record label allowing you to buy it, unlike the common scenario run into where you may have a mix and not even the mixer knows what is on it.

Overriding point falls to exchange, is there exchange or isn't there? Are you just taking? Would you want the same for your products?

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