I like Africa
I'm not one for cursing publicly, but there article smells of rotten intention.
If it's total ballonie, it's noise, a distraction, someone is hiding something.
If they're actually looking at Africa, what they present as a concern a cover.
I'm assuming and being a know-best fool but to say one is worried about Africa is to say, "I'm plotting... look! A bird!"
This one I'm looking in to, it's up to more no good then it points up to.
If it's total ballonie, it's noise, a distraction, someone is hiding something.
If they're actually looking at Africa, what they present as a concern a cover.
I'm assuming and being a know-best fool but to say one is worried about Africa is to say, "I'm plotting... look! A bird!"
This one I'm looking in to, it's up to more no good then it points up to.
At 9/20/2006 06:49:00 PM,
Kombucha said…
See, here's another nice thing there from Africa - Johannesburg Church of Scientology Grand Opening, very nice.
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