World Bugs: Issue Tracking

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Thursday, September 28, 2006

You can't read that

Oh wow. I could milk this one for some time.

You say he should be able to read "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck ? No, no, no, you mustn't understand, er, I mean you must understand you can't read that. Actually forget that we had this conversation. I mean, drink this.
I read Of Mice and Men when I was 14. Do I break necks or go be impoverished or work hard for my goals and aspirations? Barring that last, no I don't.

The book is terribly upsetting in a way, but not in a bad way. But I read the news today - gunman in Colorado AGAIN. The last one was on psych drugs comparable to cocaine, do we expect this one to be? Oh, you say it wasn't the drugs known for those side effects? Oh, it was the childrens book that have been around for a long time and have been read by a lot of people and have stayed a constant in society? Oh good, so we can rule out the the only change, being as it was only psychotropic drugs being shoved down these kids gullets.

It's a bit nuts we even need a "week" declared for this at all but it atleast someone is pointing it out.


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