World Bugs: Issue Tracking

Bugs are made.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Learning how to learn

This is to a large degree very very cool.

An emphasis is given in this of making the students able to study. It's a rare concept today in much of atleast the State's, as the home of my study, version of education. The emphasis generally in bringing tools to the teacher, while this is of paramount importance, it is well tantamount to the importance of the student being able to learn. Otherwise the diaper days never end and you will walk him along every step till he the day he dies with no self-determinism to start with or end with.

If the student can study, he can do anything. Anything that can be done at all, can be done with study and practice. It's a proven fact, people are against the status quo in that they can learn, and they CAN apply. Do they? Not necissarily, but they CAN. If we can beat that concept back in to the head of everyone we'll be heading somewhere.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Front page Disease

The spread of this disease, if I'm not mistaken is through actions that could be constitued as un-ethical or immoral, take your pick. Generally promiscuity or in the case of an ernest relationship it's just an irresponsibility considering your knowledge of it. So if you know about the potential hazards then you're right likely to be a scoundrel. If you don't know, then we, those responsible for telling you, have failed you. If it were the case of ethics being in on people, I would bargain 100x the effort could be put into the cure of it but I'll bet that 100x less effort would be needed at that point to cure it.

If you're battling non-survival impulses (which is how they got there), trying to force survival in, it's likely it'll be rough going.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Pope protection

How Many Divisions Does the Pope Have?

How Many Divisions Does the Pope Have? - November 30, 2006 - The New York Sun

This falls under the "Opinion" section of the New York Sun. Keep in mind that opinions can be, as indicated by this article, nuts.

In the article it appears that the basis was around the 15,000 army security  soldiers that  were assigned to the protection of the pope. Fine it's a lot of people, but I'm afraid that the willingness to protect at such cost is the indication of a war bound religion. Validity of any other  statments aside, this "Daniel  Johnson"  kid is trying to make trouble, by  titles alone it is obvious. Grain of salt on this guy, that stuff is written to uset a lot of people.

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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Inflamitory irresponsibility

OJ Simpson, 11 years after he's acquitted for a double murder that we all know he committed, writes a book that, according to its editor, constitutes a confession to the crime.

Google News

That's pathetic. If he were a criminal we shouldn't be rote about the whole thing, we are criminal and ourselves so irresponsible to a point of absolute insanity if we have a murder we neglect to do anything about be of our self-made beauracracy.

Just watch for the robotism look to be responsible, it's our planet anyways.