World Bugs: Issue Tracking

Bugs are made.

Friday, September 01, 2006

China's New History

In Shanghai they are implementing a new curriculum for history taking the emphasis off of the emporers and dynasties and on to economics, technology, social customs and globalization.

The imperial history lesson had become less and less real to students as the generations have rolled on, the Marxist curriculum not being held letter for letter in modern day China.

The new curriculum is thought to hold closer to the goals of the chinese government of today and give students more data applicable to the real world in China.

Socialism has been reduced to a single chapter in the senior high school history, Chinese Communism before economic reform in 1979 is covered in a sentence and Mao is mentioned only once in a chapter on ettiquete.

While the pros and cons are still in debate in china they will be in to a broad scale pilot in Shanghai following a number of schools that put it into pilot in fall on an expirement.

I would like to see the present history books and see these for comparison to get a first-hand idea of what the scene is, but from this 20^30-hand data it seems like we're going in the right direction.

I would not say the history need be utterly neglected but put forward as datums and the student can see what he see's in the whole picture. While the subjects where there involves more practical and applicable data the use of a classroom could become rather beneficial.

Keep sharp to track this one, there could be a lot more coming.

Ride the California Tailpipe to Freedom

Ah! Keep tabs one and all, a new bill over a 14 year time period has started.

The Governor, of my fair state, California Mr. Arnold Schwarzenager now has a bill approved that is being implemented over concerns for greenhouse emissions in the world.

The intention is to lower emissions back to the level they were in 1990, a decrease of 25% by the year 2020. A bold move in California where the power plants, cement kilns etc. are the main sources of most emissions effecting this but where the car and truck exhaust have a greater effect on the overall condition than most other places on the planet.

This is a touchy subject as far as emission controls are and disputes already are existing in the courts between car industry organizations against emission controls being enacted on cars in California.

The deadline can be put off by a year in case of natural emergency or something to this effect, but can as well be changed by another bill to change this one.

Opinions and concerns aside, for a long term item to track this could be interesting to see roll out or attempt to fade off. It doesn't have to fade, we can see it through to the end.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Employee Cut

RadioShack Fires 400 Employees by E-Mail
The point of this article I'd guess is to arouse meandering talk about the dehumanization and impersonality developing in a cold and comuterized age. That's fine, I understand the concern. It's a wrong target, it's the people not the machines doing what you think is wrong. But I don't care about that all that much, I think the biggest handling for such an operation like that is in the Scientology Handbook (section on Integrity and Honesty).

But my area of concern in the whole thing is that they are laying off 400 people, period. Why lay someone off?

Cut back on costs? Sounds like your staff aren't productive. Shouldn't your personnel be the reason for your income? Wouldn't they cause the products to move out and the items to move in? Would it not make sense to force them to increase the viability of the company? Unless the finances are a pretense, one should have in mind that the viability of the company is originated FROM the company. If they aren't making their way transfer them, demote them, promote them, correct them, train them or just plain MAKE THEM PRODUCE. I don't think the concept is too far away from people that no one should be paid for their idle presence unless they in their idlesness produce a product that be exchanged for a valuable. If they don't and they not trying to ruin your group, make it so they are producing products that can be exchanged.

Again I reference the Scientology Handbook, in addition to the above I would suggest the sections on Ethics and Conditions, the Dynamics of Existence and Planninf for the Future. I would also say to see WISE (What is WISE?) on business technology.

This should stay tabbed, even if handled in one area it's unfortunately not an isoluted bug, it's buttered all over the place. If you spot it, squash it.

Traffic 'blows'

Ever get stuck in a traffic jam and just want to blow it all up? Well one Ruefly did in Washington did and, as the winner of this particular contest, got to flip the switch to the dynamite on this one and blow it up.

Sounds like a good idea to me and the first in a series of 'constructive' handlings to be done on traffic jams.

I like Africa

I'm not one for cursing publicly, but there article smells of rotten intention.

If it's total ballonie, it's noise, a distraction, someone is hiding something.

If they're actually looking at Africa, what they present as a concern a cover.

I'm assuming and being a know-best fool but to say one is worried about Africa is to say, "I'm plotting... look! A bird!"

This one I'm looking in to, it's up to more no good then it points up to.

Your laptop may be fast but mine is on fire!

I really do like Apple, their initiative and creative R&D has definitely pushed the computer industry forward in leaps and bounds... truth be told I'm actually linux/unix fan since they switched to a BSD core with the best linux GUI on the market, I've been sold, hardcore.

But generally I don't like my computers not bursting into flames even though I'm an AMD fan (they didn't ever flame in my experience, but they are one with your mother board if you aren't keeping track).

So it is with the Sony lithiom-ion battery in iBooks, bursting into flames..standard operating basis for a batter, no?

Not all the fault of Apple, same thing happening to Sony just months prior. But I would rather like it if it were an over the ramparts effort to make good on the dangers sold by the companies. It's actually an excellent oppurtunity for these companies to earn some great goodwill by actions like these. Take the flap and turn it into a hit, it's possible.

All in all I say just watch out for these minimalistic "Our product may burst into flames" announcements, it's not fair to them or the customer... and you should learn linux, that way jokes like this are fun for you and family.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Trip to prehistoria

paleontology - study of ancient life: the study of life in prehistoric times by using fossil evidence - Encarta Online

Here's my question on this one, how do we know it was a "herbivorous reptile?" I saw someone wearing a some Converse the other day, she must be a skater...or basketball player...or baseball player circa 1950... Umm, I don't know. Why don't I know? I'm guess, I'm assuming.

80 million years ago? Maybe, I have no idea. There's too many loose ends on this guy. It's cool I agree we found something that looks so neat. But the investigation needs to be bolstered and made on direct observation, certain conclusion. Have we monitored, tested and verified?

This could be a bug in bug tracking. Who's monitoring monitoring for the purpose of perfect monitoring?

For analysis I suggest two references, one is the Scientology Handbook, specifically the section on Investigation. Second I would suggest is the book Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science, this details usable and far from esoteric logic in investigation. There are additional books and references by the same author (L. Ron Hubbard) that cover about every other inch not covered in those. I would suggest them all as they dovetail as a comprehensive work, a good list of them can be found here and here.

Monday, August 28, 2006

I'm just looking for numbers

There is nothing wrong with the intention to rebuild areas damaged and destroyed by hurricanes. And there is nothing wrong with the government wanting to provide the funds to do this.

In the case of Louisianna and the site of Hurricane Katrina, does it take 110 billion dollars to do this? It could, but I don't know, so I'm asking.
"Of the $110 billion in hurricane aid approved by Congress, just $44 billion has been spent. Overall, the administration has released $77 billion to the states, reserving the rest for future needs." - Associated Press

Just listing everything out, do we come up to 110 billion dollars? Take everything involved:

  • Residential housing
    • Homes
    • Apartments
  • Parks
  • Business buildings
  • Government buildings
  • Educational services short term and long term
  • Utility services (I don't know how many of these were lost)
    • Gas
    • Electricity
    • Water
    • Phone
  • Roads
  • Train infrastructure
  • Tram system
  • Waterworks outside of internal corp
  • Workers to do the above
Other possibilities:
  • Compensation for support to adjacent states
  • 7 More super domes
Maybe not that last one but it could happen...

I don't know that it is so far fetched to spend 110 billion dollars on reconstruction. This additionally include short term and long term planning. One covering necessities today while the structures to be used in the future are being constructed. In this I hope only that the shortsight of having all of the citizens figure out what they want to do or not do anything while the state is rebuilt around them then they will degree immediately upon removal of government help.

What's needed is smart planning and I'd bet they have a lot of it, but *pie dreams* they should in futures on this one. What about the continuation program? Pilot an IDEAL CITY.

Have established exactly what will pass for the Ideal Scene? I'm sure there's a nostalgic want for drunks, drugs and parties 24/7. But we could be going for something better than that, couldn't we? It's a perfect oppurtunity, we have the people, the land, the resources, the WANT. Who sais we have to make another American mediocracy? We could make it the biggest city in thhe world just for kicks if nothing else.

So there's my spout on it, if I had 110 billion dollars, I'd really make sure what I was doing was for greatest good because it can really not be.