World Bugs: Issue Tracking

Bugs are made.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Seat Equality and False Alarms

Now this article is a bit of a stretch for the front page of U.S. national news. But I'll take it up and we'll see what should be noted for handling.

O.K., so we have 9 black children, a white bus driver, and a single unverified and heretofore uninvestigated report on racism.


Of course the racism aspect is loony. Assign 9 children, of any race, color or creed, to two seats on a bus is ridiculous.

If the driver did it, O.K., he operating against the group and should be handled accordingly. There are any plethera of options available to handle that one.

But on the broader picture, why am I reading this? This is again a SINGLE incident in a SMALL town with ONE person and yet UNVERIFIED. I went to a high school with more students then were in that entire school district. So what's the point of this? Was the title supposed to be:

"White Supremacists Rain in the Southern States Again"

Who's leg are we pulling anyway? Let's get real here, I'd refer to this for handling. I believe this is the root to the bug. False alarm, watch out for the screaming warning signs which bode no good but no actual harm, they're dangerous.

It's More Profitable If It's a Flop

Leo Bloom: "Let's assume, just for the moment, that you are a dishonest man."
Max Bialystock: "Assume away."
-- Film: The Producers

Now I don't know what people are thinking when they write articles like this, but I have to say somebody is full of crap.

This article is ridiculous.

Point #1

Journalism with the purpose to destroy companies publically.

Alright so it's wrong to be criminal, agreed. How are they criminal? They are committing acts to decieve and so gain personal profit against the mores of the group. A few actions can be taken, one being corrected the individual or group committing the criminal acts. If they would not, when confronted with their wrong doings, change their ways and get honest and straight, then one could force their ethics in with justice.

While that's one way, we could go the other way. Someone is doing something wrong, make him so publically outcast and wrong for everything he does and crush him. If we're lucky the group will only collapse and ruin anyone attached to it, including those unrelated to the criminality. At very best their tune changes, they clean up and make up their damage. At very worst, they are so publically outcast we put them in to a criminal desperation. Get them in the mindset of, "What do I have to do to feed my family when everyone is against me?" They were already criminal, so going in to that next step of "everyone's against me" may not even be new, just exposed. So now you have a desperate raving criminal corporation, group or individual on your hands which, since you never tried to handle at all you probably aren't even looking at, is assumed to be changed because he was so publically blasted for it before, but it's likely he'll be changed only in being more covert about his illegal dealings.

So why do it? It could just be ignorance, but we've all been around a long time, and those up to that level of business are not ignorant.

The intentions could be any number of things, but that is clouded by the next point.

Point #2.

For anyone to write an article about this in such a la-la laxsidasical wishy-washy way points up to there being 10 times as many thing that shouldn't be in the immediate topic than shown in the article and probably 100-1000x in that area overall.

Tab this one and keep your eyes open.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Say Yes To Drugs You Pay Us For

ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

This is one of my old favorites. The kind that even after it goes rotten and begins it's own pre-apolyptic fermentation on your kitchen table, you just can't seem to get rid of.

But what all do we have in this here ADHD.
  • The "disease"
  • The drugs
The "Disease"

The disease itself was voted on in 1987 at a Committee meeting of the American Psychiatric Association (APA). They at this committee by a show of hands vote in diseases to their billing book the Diagnostic and Stastical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

Though there is an utter lack of objective proof, millions of children today now take drugs on this pretense.

The Drugs

Let's take one of the cornacopia of drugs available — Ritalin. Ritalin is a common name for methylphenidate, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) classified it as a Schedule II narcotic — the same classification as cocaine, morphine and amphetamines. It's abused for it's stimulant effect and affectionality refered to a Kiddie Cocaine.

Another point that could be lost in the mist would be who.

The use of psychotropic drugs to handle a childs inclination to physical activity or their lack of vigilent attention is not natural phenomena, rather, it is the dementia plans written by someone.

Take for instance James Swanson of the U.S. National Institute for Mental Health. One of the foremost proponents of ADHD as a disease. He addressed a meeting of the American Society of Adolescent Psychiatry, then admitting: “I would like to have an objective diagnosis for the disorder [ADHD]. Right now psychiatric diagnosis is completely subjective....We would like to have biological tests—a dream of psychiatry for many years.”

So Mr. Swanson is guessing wether or not a child has "ADHD." Is this a good enough reason to put a child on psychotropic drugs? Does an itch warrant a morphine prescription?

Does that fit with the fact that in 2000, international sales of antipsychotic drugs reached $6 billion. And iin 2001, antidepressant sales climbed to $12.5 billion. Today, that figure is near $20 billion.

Don't let this one fester on the table, this is a critical bug.

Politics: Bug Tracking

I am implementing a new forum here based on a recommendation from the_alf. I am tracking bugs of politicians so myself and others can keep up with all the issues that come up and seem to collapse out of the public mind like Flan in a cupboard.

Issue I:

Middle eastern state of affairs. Let's log this one at abotu 1947, the creation of Israel following WWII. The theme has been similar since the mid-50s, peace in the Middle East.

I won't get into the waff-waff and huff-huff of the thing, but I'll say it's been a bugged target of peace for 40+ years.

This of course is still in the public eye, but I'd warrant that the fact there is conflict in this area of the world has become "that's how things are" and brushed off. I'm logging this one now because conflict like that doesn't keep on if the people working on it are trying to handle it. With a quick search and I find one resource here.

Bugs are made, they don't just happen.